Subscription Cancellations
Subscription could be canceled. The event of cancelation is separated in our API from the subscription. As such it has a different properties that you could use to gather data about cancelations.
Reason of cancelation:
- did-not-use
- did-not-want
- missing-features
- bugs-or-problems
- do-not-remember
- risk-warning
- contract-expired
- too-expensive
- other
- billing-failure
Who canceled the subscription:
- customer
- merchant
- system
There is also info about the exact churn time.
Use subscription cancellation endpoints to:
- Get
- Create
- Update
- Delete
When you could delete a subscription cancellation?
You could delete a subscription cancellation only if it's status is in the draft state. In all other cases you need to reactive the subscription to make it active again.